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Bouncing Ball

Bouncing Ball

Modeling a Bouncing Ball

In the previous example, we saw how some events are related to time. These so-called “time events” are just one type of event. In this section, we’ll examine the other type of event, the state event. A state event is an event that depends on the solution trajectory.

State events are much more complicated to handle. Unlike time events, where the time of the event is known a priori, a state event depends on the solution trajectory. So we cannot entirely avoid the “searching” for the point at which the event occurs.

To see a state event in action, let us consider the behavior of a bouncing ball bouncing on a flat horizontal surface. When the ball is above the surface, it accelerates due to gravitational forces. When the ball eventually comes in contact with the surface, it bounces off the surface according to the following relationship:

v_\text{final} = -e v_\text{initial}

where v_\text{final} is the (vertical) velocity of the ball immediately after contact with the surface, v_\text{initial} is the velocity prior to contact and e is the coefficient of restitution, which is a measure of the fraction of momentum retained by the ball after the collision.

Bringing all this together in Modelica might look something like this:

model BouncingBall "The 'classic' bouncing ball model"
  type Height=Real(unit="m");
  type Velocity=Real(unit="m/s");
  parameter Real e=0.8 "Coefficient of restitution";
  parameter Height h0=1.0 "Initial height";
  Height h "Height";
  Velocity v(start=0.0, fixed=true) "Velocity";
initial equation
  h = h0;
  v = der(h);
  der(v) = -9.81;
  when h<0 then
    reinit(v, -e*pre(v));
  end when;
end BouncingBall;

In this example, we use the parameter h0 to specify the initial height of the ball off the surface and the parameter e to specify the coefficient of restitution. The variables h and v represent the height and vertical velocity, respectively.

What makes this example interesting are the equations. Specifically, the existence of a when statement:

  v = der(h);
  der(v) = -9.81;
  when h<0 then
    reinit(v, -e*pre(v));
  end when;

A when statement is composed of two parts. The first part is a conditional expression that indicates the moment the event takes place. In this case, the event will take place “when” the height, h, first drops below 0. The second part of the when statement is what happens when the event occurs. In this case, the value of v is re-initialized via the reinit operator. The reinit operator allows us to specify a new initial condition for a state. Conceptually, you can think of reinit as being like an initial equation inserted in the middle of a simulation. But it only changes one variable and it always sets it explicitly (i.e., it isn’t as flexible as an initial equation). In this case, the reinit statement will reinitialize the value of v to be in the opposite direction of the value of v before the collision, represented by pre(v), and scaled by the factor e.

Assuming that h0 has a positive value, the relentless pull of gravity ensures that the ball will eventually hit the surface. Running the simulation for the case where h0 is 1.0, we see the following behavior from this model:


In this plot, we see that at around 0.48 seconds, the first impact with the surface occurs. This occurs because the condition h<0 first becomes true at that moment. Note that what makes this a state event (unlike our example in previous cooling examples) is the fact that this conditional expression references variables other than time.

As such, the simulation proceeds assuming the ball is in free fall until it identifies a solution trajectory where the value of the conditional h<0 changes during a time step. When such a step occurs, the solver must determine the precise time when the value of the conditional expression becomes true. Once that time has been identified, it computes the state of the system at that time, processes the statements within the when statement (e.g. any reinit statements) that affect the state of the system and then restarts the integration starting from these computed states. In the case of the bouncing ball, the reinit statement is used to compute a new post-collision value for v that sends the ball (initially) upward again.

But it is important to keep in mind that, in general, the solutions for most Modelica models are derived using numerical methods. As we shall see shortly, this has some profound implications when we consider discrete behavior. This is because at the heart of all events (time or state events) are conditional expressions, like h<0 from our current example.

The implications become clear if we simulate our bouncing ball a bit longer. In that case, most Modelica tools will provide a solution like this:


It should be immediately obvious when looking at this trajectory that something has gone wrong. But what?

Numerical Precision

The answer, as we hinted at before, lies in the numerical handling of the when condition h<0. More specifically, what do we do if we start a state extremely close to an event? Because of numerical imprecision, we do not know whether we are starting our step right after an event has just occurred or whether we are starting a step where an event is just about to occur.

To address this problem, we must introduce a certain amount of hysteresis (dead-banding). What this means in this case is that once the condition h<0 has become true, we have to get “far enough” away from the condition before we allow the event to happen again. In other words, the event happens whenever h is less than zero. But before we can trigger the event again we require that h must first become greater than some \epsilon . In other words, it is not simply enough that h becomes greater than zero, h must become greater than \epsilon (where \epsilon is determined by the solver by examining various scaling factors).

The problem in the previous simulations is that each time the ball bounces, the peak value of h goes down a little bit. By peak value, we mean the value of h when the ball first begins to fall again. Eventually, the peak value of h isn’t enough to exceed the critical value of \epsilon . This, in turn, means that the when statement never fires and the reinit statement will never again reset v. As a result, the ball continues, indefinitely, in free fall.

So this raises the obvious question of how to achieve the behavior we truly intended (which is that the ball never drops below the surface). For that, we have to make a few minor changes to our model as follows:

model StableBouncingBall
  "The 'classic' bouncing ball model with numerical tolerances"
  type Height=Real(unit="m");
  type Velocity=Real(unit="m/s");
  parameter Real e=0.8 "Coefficient of restitution";
  parameter Height h0=1.0 "Initial height";
  constant Height eps=1e-3 "Small height";
  Boolean done "Flag when to turn off gravity";
  Height h "Height";
  Velocity v(start=0.0, fixed=true) "Velocity";
initial equation
  h = h0;
  done = false;
  v = der(h);
  der(v) = if done then 0 else -9.81;
  when {h<0,h<-eps} then
    done = h<-eps;
    reinit(v, -e*(if h<-eps then 0 else pre(v)));
  end when;
end StableBouncingBall;

It should be noted that there are many ways to solve this problem. The solution presented here is only one of them. In this approach, we have effectively created two surfaces. One at a height of 0 and the other at a height of -eps (just below 0). When the ball is bouncing “normally” it will only trigger the first condition in our when statement. If, however, the ball does not rebound high enough after contact and “falls through” the first surface, we detect that (and the fact that it has fallen through) and set the done flag. The effect of the done flag is to effectively turn off gravity.

Note the syntax of the when statement in this case:

  when {h<0,h<-eps} then
    done = h<-eps;
    reinit(v, -e*(if h<-eps then 0 else pre(v)));
  end when;

In particular, note that it doesn’t have just one conditional expression, but two. More specifically, it actually has a vector of conditional expressions. We’ll introduce Vectors and Arrays later in the book, but for now it is just important to point out that in this chapter we have shown that a when can include either a scalar conditional expression or a vector of conditional expressions.

If a when statement includes a vector of conditionals, then the statements of the when statement will be triggered when any conditional expression in the vector becomes true. Note the grammar of this explanation carefully. It is very common for people to read Modelica code like this:

when {a>0, b>0} then
end when;

as “when a is greater than zero or b is greater than zero”. But it is very important not to make the very common mistake of misinterpreting this to mean that the following two when statements are equivalent:

when {a>0, b>0} then
end when;

when a>0 or b>0 then
end when;

These are not equivalent. To understand the difference, let’s change the conditional expressions as follows:

when {time>1, time>2} then
end when;

when time>1 or time>2 then
end when;

Remember our original statement that the vector notation for when statements means that the statements in the when statement are triggered when any condition becomes true. Assuming we run a simulation that starts at time=0 and runs until time=3, then the when statement:

when {time>1, time>2} then
end when;

will be triggered twice. Once when time>1 becomes true and the other when time>2 becomes true. In contrast, in this case:

when time>1 or time>2 then
end when;

there is only a single conditional expression and it becomes true only once (when time>1 becomes true…and stays true). The or operator essentially masks the second conditional, time>2, such that it may as well not even be present in this particular case. In other words, this conditional only becomes true once. As a result, the statements inside the when statement are only triggered once.

The key thing to remember is that for when statements, a vector of conditionals means any, not or. Furthermore, the statements are only active at the instant when the conditional becomes true. The implications of this last statement will be discussed in greater details later in this chapter when we talk about the important differences between if vs. when.