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State Event Handling

State Event Handling

Now that we have already introduced both time events and state events, let’s examine some important complications associated with state events. Surprisingly, these complications can be introduced by even simple models.

Basic Decay Model

Consider the following almost trivial model:

model Decay1
  Real x;
initial equation
  x = 1;
  der(x) = -sqrt(x);
end Decay1;

If we attempt to simulate this model for 5 seconds, we find that the simulation terminates after about 2 seconds with the following trajectory:


Again, numerical issues creep in. Even though mathematically it should not be possible for the value of x to drop below zero, using numerical integration techniques it is possible for small amounts of error to creep in and drive x below zero. When that happens, the sqrt(x) expression generates a floating point exception and the simulation terminates.

Guard Expressions

To prevent this, we might introduce an if expression to guard against evaluating the square root of a negative number, like this:

model Decay2
  Real x;
initial equation
  x = 1;
  der(x) = if x>=0 then -sqrt(x) else 0;
end Decay2;

Simulating this model we get the following trajectory [1]:


Again, the simulation fails. But why? It fails for the same reason, a numerical exception that results from taking the square root of a negative number.

Most people are quite puzzled when they see an error message about a floating point exception like this (or, for example division by zero) after they have introduced a guard expression as we have done. They naturally assume that there is no way that sqrt(x) can be evaluated if x is less than zero. But this assumption is incorrect.

Events and Conditional Expressions

The Role of Events in Behavior

Given the if expression:

der(x) = if x>=0 then sqrt(x) else 0;

it is entirely possible that sqrt will be called with a negative argument. The reason is related to the fact that this is a state event. Remember, the time at which a time event will occur is known in advance. But this is not the case for a state event. In order to determine when the event will occur, we have to search the solution trajectory to see when the condition (e.g., x>=0 becomes false).

The important thing to understand is that until the event occurs, the behavior doesn’t change. In other words, the two sides of this if expression represent two types of behavior, der(x)=sqrt(x) and der(x)=0. Since x is initially greater than zero, the initial behavior is der(x)=sqrt(x). The solver will continue using this equation until it has determined the time of the event represented by x>=0. In order to determine the time of that event, it must go past the point where the value of the conditional expression changes. This means that while attempting to determine precisely when the condition x>=0 changes from true to false, it will continue to use the equation der(x)=sqrt(x) even though x is negative.

Most users initially assume that each time der(x) is evaluated, the if expression is evaluated (specifically the conditional expression in the if expression). Hopefully the previous paragraph has made it clear that this is not the case.

This time spent trying and retrying integration steps can be saved thanks to the fact that Modelica can extract a so-called “zero crossing” function from the if expression. This function is called a zero crossing function because it is normally constructed to have a root at the point where the event will occur. For example, if we had the following if expression:

y = if a>b then 1 else 0;

The zero crossing function would be a-b . This function is chosen because it changes from positive to negative precisely at the point where a>b.

Recall our previous equation:

der(x) = if x>=0 then sqrt(x) else 0;

In this case, the zero crossing function is simply x since the event occurs when x itself crosses zero.

The Modelica compiler collects all the zero crossing functions in the model for the integrator to use. During integration, the integrator checks to see if any of the zero crossing functions have changed sign. If they have, it uses the solution it computed during that step to interpolate the zero crossing function to find the location, in time, of the root of the zero crossing function and this is the point in time where the event occurs. This process is much more efficient because the root finding algorithms have more information to help them identify the location of the root (information like the derivative of the zero crossing function) and evaluation is very cheap because it doesn’t involve taking additional integration steps, only evaluating the interpolation functions from the triggering integration step.

Event Suppression

But after all this, it still isn’t clear how to avoid the problems we saw in the Decay1 and Decay2 models. The answer is a special operator called noEvent. The noEvent operator suppresses this special event handling. Instead, it does what most users expected would happen in the first place, which is to evaluate the conditional expression for every value of x. We can see the noEvent operator in action in the following model:

model Decay3
  Real x;
initial equation
  x = 1;
  der(x) = if noEvent(x>=0) then -sqrt(x) else 0;
end Decay3;

and the results can be seen here:


Now the simulation completes without any problem. This is because the use of noEvent ensures that sqrt(x) is never called with a negative value of x.

It might seems strange that we have to explicitly include the noEvent operator in order to get what we consider the most intuitive behavior. Why not make the default behavior the most intuitive one? The answer is performance. Using conditional expressions to generate events improves the performance of the simulations by giving the solver clues about when to expect abrupt changes in behavior. Most of the time, this approach doesn’t cause any problem. The examples we have presented in this chapter were designed to highlight this issue, but they are not representative of most cases. For this reason, noEvent is not the default, but must be used explicitly. It should be noted that the noEvent operator should only be used when there is a smooth transition in behavior, otherwise it can create performance issues.


There is a common effect known as “chattering” that you will run into sooner or later with Modelica. Consider the following model:

model WithChatter
  Real x;
initial equation
  x = 2;
  der(x) = if x>=1 then -1 else 1;
end WithChatter;

Effectively, the behavior of this model is that for any initial value of x, it will progress linearly toward 1. Mathematically speaking, once the value of x gets to 1, it should just stay there. This is because any deviation away from 1, either greater than or less than, will immediately cause it to go back to 1.

But we will not be solving these equations in a strictly mathematical way. We’ll be using floating point representations and using numerical integrators. As such, we have limited precision and integration error to content with. The net effect will be that the trajectory of x will not remain exactly 1 but will deviate slightly above and below. Each time this happens, it will generate an event.

Simulating this model gives us the following results:


This kind of model can introduce an effect known as “chattering”. Chattering is simply the degradation in simulation performance due to a large number of events occurring that artificially shorten the time steps taken by the solver. The impact on simulation performance is clear if we look at the CPU time taken during the simulation. It starts to rise dramatically once x is close to 1. This is because behind the scenes the events are causing lots of very small time steps which dramatically increases the number of computations being performed. The important thing about the WithChatter example is that it has a seemingly obvious mathematical solutions but still suffers from degraded simulation performance because of the high frequency of events.

This is another case where the noEvent operator can help us out. We can suppress the events being generated by the conditional expression by using the noEvent operator as follows:

model WithoutChatter
  Real x;
initial equation
  x = 2;
  der(x) = if noEvent(x>=1) then -1 else 1;
end WithoutChatter;

In doing so, we will get approximately the same solution, but with better simulation performance:


Note how there is no perceptible change in the slope of the CPU usage before and after x arrives at 1. Contrast this with the significant difference seen in the case of WithChatter.

In reality, equations like this are uncommon. In this case, we’ve used an extreme case in an attempt to clearly show the impact of chattering. The behavior being described here is not particularly realistic or physical. In this case, we’ve exaggerated the effect to clearly demonstrate the impact on simulation performance.

More typical examples of chattering in the real world will feature a conditional expression that sits at some stable point (Decay2 is a good example). In such cases, chattering occurs because the system tends to naturally settle at or near the point where the conditional expression occurs. But because of precision and numerical considerations, the event associated with the conditional expression is frequently triggered. The effect is exacerbated in cases where there are many components in the system all sitting at or near such equilibrium points.

Speed vs. Accuracy

Hopefully the discussion so far has made it clear why it is necessary to suppress events in some cases. But one might reasonably ask, why not skip events and just evaluate conditional expressions all the time? So let’s take some time to explore this question and explain why, on the whole, associating events with conditional expressions is very good idea [2].

Without event detection, the integrator will simply step right over events. When this happens, the integrator will miss important changes in behavior and this will have a significant impact on the accuracy of the simulation. This is because the accuracy of most integration routines is based on assumptions about the continuity of the underlying function and its derivatives. If those assumptions are violated, we need to let the integration routines know so they can account these changes in behavior.

This is where events come in. They force the integration to stop at the point where a behavior change occurs and then restart again after the behavior change has occurred. The result is greater accuracy but at the cost of slower simulations. Let’s look at a concrete example. Consider the following simple Modelica model:

model WithEvents "Integrate with events"
  parameter Real freq = 1.0;
  Real x(start=0);
  Real y = time;
  der(x) = if sin(2*Modelica.Constants.pi*freq*time)>0 then 2.0 else 0.0;
end WithEvents;

Looking at this system, we can see that half the time the derivative of x will be 2 and the other half of the time the derivative of x will be 0. So over each of these cycles, the average derivative of x should be 1. This means at the end of each cycle, x and y should be equal.

If we simulate the WithEvents model, we get the following results:


Note how, at the end of each cycle, the trajectories of x and y meet. This is a visual indication of the accuracy of the underlying integration. Even if we increase the frequency of the underlying cycle, we see that this property holds true:


However, now let us consider the case where we use exactly the same integration parameters but suppress events by using the noEvents operator as follows:

model WithNoEvents "Integrate without events"
  parameter Real freq = 1.0;
  Real x(start=0);
  Real y = time;
  der(x) = noEvent(if sin(2*Modelica.Constants.pi*freq*time)>0 then 2.0 else 0.0);
end WithNoEvents;

In this case, the integrator is blind to the changes in behavior. It does its best to integrate accurately but without explicit knowledge of where the behavior changes occur, it will blindly continue using the wrong value of the derivative and extrapolate well beyond the change in behavior. If we simulate the WithNoEvents model, using the same integrator settings, we can see how significantly different our results will be:


Note how quickly the integrator introduces some pretty significant error.


The integration settings used in these examples were chosen to demonstrate the impact that the noEvent operator can have on accuracy. However, the settings were admittedly chosen to accentuate these differences. Using more typical settings, the differences in the results probably would not have been so dramatic. Furthermore, the impact of using noEvent are impossible to predict or quantify since they will vary significantly from one solver to another. But the underlying point is clear, using the noEvent operator can have a significant impact on accuracy simulation results.