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Graphical Annotations

Graphical Annotations

Although this section appears in the chapter on Connectors, this topic applies to graphical annotations associated with model definitions in general. So the information presented here will be a useful reference with respect to many aspects of Modelica.

Graphical Layers

When describing the appearance of a Modelica entity, there are two different representations to choose from. One is called the “icon” representation and the other is called the “diagram” representation. In Modelica, the icon representation is used when viewing something from the “outside”. Generally, the icon includes some distinctive visual representation along with additional information about that entity added via Substitutions (which we will be covering shortly).

The “diagram” representation, on the other hand, is used to represent the view of a component from the “inside”. The diagram representation is generally used to include additional graphical documentation about the Modelica component that would be too detailed for the “icon” view.

A definition’s graphical appearance in an “icon” layer is specified by the Icon annotation (briefly touched on in our Graphical Connectors discussion earlier). Not surprisingly, a definition’s graphical appearance in the “diagram” layer is specified by the Diagram annotation. Both of these are annotations that appear directly in the definition and are not associated with existing elements like declarations or extends clauses.

Generally speaking, most definitions include an “icon” representation, but only a few bother to include a “diagram” representation. However, it turns out that despite being rendered in different contexts, the specification of graphical appearance is identical between them.

Common Graphical Definitions

The following definitions will be referenced throughout this section:

type DrawingUnit = Real(final unit="mm");
type Point = DrawingUnit[2] "{x, y}";
type Extent = Point[2]
  "Defines a rectangular area {{x1, y1}, {x2, y2}}";
type Color = Integer[3](min=0, max=255) "RGB representation";
constant Color Black = zeros(3);
type LinePattern = enumeration(None, Solid, Dash, Dot, DashDot, DashDotDot);
type FillPattern = enumeration(None, Solid, Horizontal, Vertical,
                               Cross, Forward, Backward,
                               CrossDiag, HorizontalCylinder,
                               VerticalCylinder, Sphere);
type BorderPattern = enumeration(None, Raised, Sunken, Engraved);
type Smooth = enumeration(None, Bezier);
type Arrow = enumeration(None, Open, Filled, Half);
type TextStyle = enumeration(Bold, Italic, UnderLine);
type TextAlignment = enumeration(Left, Center, Right);

record FilledShape "Style attributes for filled shapes"
  Color lineColor = Black "Color of border line";
  Color fillColor = Black "Interior fill color";
  LinePattern pattern = LinePattern.Solid "Border line pattern";
  FillPattern fillPattern = FillPattern.None "Interior fill pattern";
  DrawingUnit lineThickness = 0.25 "Line thickness";
end FilledShape;

In addition, many of the annotations we will be discussing include a set of common elements represented by the following record definition:

partial record GraphicItem
  Boolean visible = true;
  Point origin = {0, 0};
  Real rotation(quantity="angle", unit="deg")=0;
end GraphicItem;

For annotations representing graphical elements, we will extend from this GraphicItem to make the presence of these common elements explicitly clear.

Icon and Diagram Annotations

The elements that should appear in the icon layer of a model are described by the following data:

record Icon "Representation of the icon layer"
  CoordinateSystem coordinateSystem(extent = {{-100, -100}, {100, 100}});
  GraphicItem[:] graphics;
end Icon;

where the coordinate system data is defined as:

record CoordinateSystem
  Extent extent;
  Boolean preserveAspectRatio=true;
  Real initialScale = 0.1;
  DrawingUnit grid[2];
end CoordinateSystem;

In other words, the Icon annotation includes information about the coordinate system contained in the definition of coordinateSystem and it also includes a list of graphical items stored in graphics. The definition of the Diagram annotation is identical:

record Diagram "Representation of the diagram layer"
  CoordinateSystem coordinateSystem(extent = {{-100, -100}, {100, 100}});
  GraphicItem[:] graphics;
end Diagram;

Graphical Items

There are a number of different graphical items that are defined in the specification that can be used in constructing the graphics vector associated with either the Icon or Diagram annotations. Their definitions are presented here for reference.


record Line
  extends GraphicItem;
  Point points[:];
  Color color = Black;
  LinePattern pattern = LinePattern.Solid;
  DrawingUnit thickness = 0.25;
  Arrow arrow[2] = {Arrow.None, Arrow.None} "{start arrow, end arrow}";
  DrawingUnit arrowSize=3;
  Smooth smooth = Smooth.None "Spline";
end Line;


record Polygon
  extends GraphicItem;
  extends FilledShape;
  Point points[:];
  Smooth smooth = Smooth.None "Spline outline";
end Polygon;


record Rectangle
  extends GraphicItem;
  extends FilledShape;
  BorderPattern borderPattern = BorderPattern.None;
  Extent extent;
  DrawingUnit radius = 0 "Corner radius";
end Rectangle;


record Ellipse
  extends GraphicItem;
  extends FilledShape;
  Extent extent;
  Real startAngle(quantity="angle", unit="deg")=0;
  Real endAngle(quantity="angle", unit="deg")=360;
end Ellipse;


record Text
  extends GraphicItem;
  extends FilledShape;
  Extent extent;
  String textString;
  Real fontSize = 0 "unit pt";
  String fontName;
  TextStyle textStyle[:];
  Color textColor=lineColor;
  TextAlignment horizontalAlignment = TextAlignment.Center;
end Text;


record Bitmap
  extends GraphicItem;
  Extent extent;
  String fileName "Name of bitmap file";
  String imageSource "Base64 representation of bitmap";
end Bitmap;

Inheriting Graphical Annotations

When one model definition inherits from another, the graphical annotations are inherited by default. However, this behavior can be controlled by annotating the extends clause with the following data (for the icon and diagram layers, respectively):

record IconMap
  Extent extent = {{0, 0}, {0, 0}};
  Boolean primitivesVisible = true;
end IconMap;

record DiagramMap
  Extent extent = {{0, 0}, {0, 0}};
  Boolean primitivesVisible = true;
end DiagramMap;

In both cases, the extent data allows the location of the inherited graphical elements to be adjusted. Setting primitivesVisible to false will suppress the rendering of inherited graphical elements.


When working with the Text annotation, the textString field can contain substitution patterns. The following substitution patterns are supported:

  • %name - This pattern will be replaced by the name of the instance of the given definition.

  • %class - This pattern will be replaced by the name of this definition.

  • %<name> where <name> is a parameter name - This pattern will be replaced by the value of the named parameter.

  • %% - This pattern will be replaced by %.

Putting It All Together

Having discussed all these aspects of graphical annotations, let us review the icon definitions presented during our discussion of Graphical Connectors.


Here we see the annotation associated with the PositivePin definition is a model annotation. Furthermore, we can see the Icon data associated with this annotation includes a list of graphical items. The first graphical item is an Ellipse annotation. That is followed by two Rectangle annotations and finally a Text (which also makes use of the Substitutions we discussed earlier).

Note how the data being presented in this annotation lines up with the data described in the record definitions we discussed earlier.