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Graphical Connectors

Graphical Connectors

Text vs. Graphics

Until now, we’ve discussed Modelica as a purely textual language. But the reality is that Modelica models are primarily built graphically. From this point on, graphics will play a greater and greater role in the way we visualize complex Modelica models.

This visualization starts with the connectors. The textual component of the Modelica models will always be present. Variables and equations will always be declared as we’ve shown already, in textual form. But as we will repeatedly see as we move forward, the annotation feature in Modelica can be used to associate a graphical appearance with many different entities in Modelica.

The first kind of graphical association we will introduce will be the graphics associated with a connector. More specifically, we’ll introduce how to associate graphics with the definition of a connector. These graphics will then be used whenever the connector is instantiated in a diagram (something we’ll discuss in greater detail when we discuss Components).

Icon Annotations

When we associate an annotation with a definition, we place it in the definition, but do not associate it with any declarations or other entities in the definition. Instead, it is just another element of the definition. To demonstrate this, consider the following electrical pin connector definitions:

within ModelicaByExample.Connectors;
package Graphics
  connector PositivePin
     Modelica.SIunits.Voltage v;
     flow Modelica.SIunits.Current i;
    annotation ...
  end PositivePin;

  connector NegativePin
     Modelica.SIunits.Voltage v;
     flow Modelica.SIunits.Current i;
    annotation ...
  end NegativePin;
end Graphics;

Note the length of each of these definitions. The length is due almost entirely to the annotations present in these definitions. Apart from the annotations, the PositivePin and NegativePin definitions are are identical to the Electrical connector definition presented in the discussion on Simple Domains.

The reason we’ve chosen to define two electrical pin connectors is so that they can be made graphically distinct. An instance of the PositivePin connector looks like:

Icon of Positive Pin

while an instance of NegativePin looks like:

Icon of Negative Pin

Let’s look in greater detail at the Icon annotation in the PositivePin definition:


We will be discussing Graphical Annotations shortly. But let’s take a quick look at what is going on in these definitions. We can see that the Icon annotation contains another variable graphics. The graphics variable is assigned a vector of graphical elements. We see that this vector graphical elements includes an Ellipse (used to render the circle in the icon), two Rectangle elements (used to render the “+” sign) and a Text element. Note the textString field in the Text element contains "%name". There are a number of substitution patterns that can appear in a graphical annotation. This particular one will be filled in with the instance name whenever a variable is declared with the type PositivePin. So, for example, the following declarations:

PositivePin p;

would be rendered graphically with %name replaced with p. In this way, the textual names assigned to connectors in a diagram always match the name of the underlying connector declarations in a model.

Graphical Annotations will be reviewed in detail later in this chapter and we will see many more uses of them as we transition from strictly textual representations of models to implementations that incorporate graphical rendering as well.